Read House believes that activities are integral to the wellbeing of the residents. Although we have a full programme of scheduled activities, one to one time from all the staff is available to residents as and when they choose. Time spent together doing the simple things like chatting, looking at a magazine, singing, or looking out of the windows together is an important part of every day life. The formal programme includes visits by professional entertainers and craft experts. Seated keep fit sessions ensure a commitment to movement and exercise which can be very beneficial to older people. The activities co-ordinator ensures that there is something for everyone, and the Residents Meetings ensure that residents opinions are heard and acted upon.
Group games such as Play Your Cards Right and themed quizzes are highly popular and generate much discussion and laughter. Read house believes that fresh air is beneficial and walks round the garden, a visit the local shops or just getting that little bit closer to the ocean are always available, weather permitting. Small lounges are available throughout the Home for socialising with other residents or entertaining guests.
Read House has an open door visiting policy and we encourage involvement from family and friends. During the pandemic we have tried to continue to welcome visitors whilst still working within the government guidelines. A specially built visitors room is available that has an outside balcony over looking the sea.